And then the intresting news...

One of our miners was assigned to look for copper to help us refine our roofs on our houses until he stumbled upon a weird underground city with this ooey gooey stuff which we would like to call Sculk.

Photo been taken moments before disaster

According to our miner, he accidently awoken a terrifying monster which he calls the Warden since 'it kind-of guards the city, like a warden.' He ran up his entire tunnel he made and up the stairs and went to the village. He later had been taken to the hospital to calm him down and potentially heal any wounds.

"I think I might be retiring." he said.

Well. at least we got enough copper.


Thanks for reading! Images inside the newspaper were made by me. The background image behind the newspaper came from a web search, and the wrinkled paper pattern in the newspaper also came from a web search. The fonts here were downloaded from's code.